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Pixl Dungeon

Pixel Dungeon is a Roguelike RPG with 2D pixel art You can choose one of 5 different classes and enjoy the challange of randomized levels, and items. Simple yet deep gameplay with increasing strategy as you progress.

Riven Guide

This is a Website, made for League of Legends Players who main the Champion: Riven. It shows different matchups and privdes some tips and tricks

Summoned into the Abyss

Summoned into the Abyss, or short "Abyss" is a 2D explorer rpg. You can chose a class and either challange the dungeon yourself or with a party of up to 4 people! Chose a class, use your abilitys and the Items you find to battle the final boss.

Windows Key

You wanna reinstall your Windows without buying a new Key everytime? Me too! This "Application" shows you your current Windows Key and some other Informations about your System. Its tested on Win10 and was created to prevent me from buying new keys all the time...

PHP File Tree

You wanna provide files to download in a nice and cool way? I made a quite solid option in PHP

Cookie Popup

You wanna know how to make a simple cookie popup, maybe for google analytics or so? I made a example!

Minecraft Plugin Template

If you wanna start making some Minecraft Plugins for your Server, here is a template:

Minecraft Ability Class Plugin for 1.16.5

Years ago, I started creating Minecraft plugins for my servers RPG World. Collaborating with the original developer, I explored the plugin "superpowers". I forked a repository, customized it and paused my journey. Now, I'm sharing an update: my version of the "ability class" plugin!

Python Metadata API

A while ago, a friend and I decided to learn about and create NFTs out of interest. This repository was created to provide metadata for those NFTs so they can be viewed on platforms like OpenSea.


I made some Code snippets for smaller stuff that can be useful from time to time. You can find them on Gitlab!


I kinda fell for Video Editing and started to upload Music Edits with Anime Scenes which I create from time to time